My Body My Life: Abortion Stories Booklet
Young women’s experiences of unintended pregnancy and abortion: key findings
Bury, Louise; Hoggart, Lesley and Newton, Victoria Louise (2015). Young women’s experiences of unintended pregnancy and abortion: key findings. The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK.
“How could this happen to me?”: Young women’s experiences of unintended pregnancies: a qualitative study
Hoggart, Lesley; Newton, Victoria Louise and Bury, Louise (2015). “How could this happen to me?”: Young women’s experiences of unintended pregnancies: a qualitative study. The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK.
“I thought I was protected” Abortion, contraceptive uptake and use among young women: a quantitative survey
Bury, Louise; Hoggart, Lesley and Newton, Victoria Louise (2014). “I thought i was protected” Abortion, contraceptive uptake and use among young women: a quantitative survey. The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK.
“Repeat abortion”, a phrase to be avoided? Qualitative insights into labelling and stigma
Hoggart, Lesley; Newton, Victoria Louise and Bury, Louise (2017). ‘Repeat abortion’, a phrase to be avoided? Qualitative insights into labelling and stigma. Journal of Family Planning and Reproductive Health Care, 43(1) pp. 26–30.
Internalised abortion stigma: Young women’s strategies of resistance and rejection
Hoggart, Lesley (2017). Internalised abortion stigma: Young women’s strategies of resistance and rejection. Feminism and Psychology, 27(2) pp. 186–202.