If you would like further information about how to obtain an abortion, the law on abortion or advice and counselling, here are some useful links
The British Pregnancy Advisory Service
The leading specialists in abortion advice and treatment in the UK, BPAS provides counselling for women who are undecided about their next step, and provide abortion and contraceptive services.
or call 03457 30 40 30
Marie Stopes
Marie Stopes provides NHS and private treatment through its clinics across the UK. It provides contraceptive services and health checks as well as abortion services; counselling during pregnancy, relationship counselling, and grief counselling.
or call the 24 hour line
England, Scotland and Wales: 0345 300 8090
​Northern Ireland: 0333 234 2184
​Ireland 1 800 200 374
Brook is a sexual health and wellbeing organisation with a particular focus on young people. It provides in depth information on its website and free, confidential services relating to contraception, sexual health, and pregnancy decision-making.
The National Unplanned Pregnancy Advisory Service
NUPAS offers both NHS and private abortion services. It provides advice and counselling on termination, adoption and parenting options.It also provides contraception and sexual health screening.
or call 0333 004 6666
Or from ROI 01 8740097
Antenatal Results and Choices
ARC offers non-directive information and support to parents before, during and after screening; when making decisions about whether or not to proceed with a pregnancy; and when dealing with complex and painful issues after making a decision, including bereavement.
or call 0845 077 2290
or 0207 713 7486 from a mobile
National Health Service abortion information
Abortions are usually available free of charge on the NHS. You can contact an abortion provider such as BPAS or Marie Stopes directly, or speak to a GP for a referral. Contraception, sexual health, genitourinary clinics and family planning clinics are also able to refer you
The Family Planning Association
The FPA want to help people make positive choices about their own sexual health and wellbeing. They have specialist services for young people, and for parents and foster carers.
Abortion legislation in the UK
The Abortion Act 1967
Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act 1990
Northern Ireland (Executive Formation etc) Act 2019
BPAS briefing on Britain’s abortion law
​Brook information about abortion including abortion law across the British Isles